December 20, 2013

Frustrated with AJ... -.-

Okay so obviously there's some new stuff today (i.e. the daily gift is cookie table and reindeer poop and Jamaaliday underwater lights have returned) but I think what's on my mine right now is a bit more important. 

First off, I think Animal Jam is a bit unfair towards nonmembers. Yes, I'm grateful for all that nonmembers have, and yes I'm grateful that AJ even allows nonmembers to play. Don't get me wrong, members should have some advantages because they pay to keep AJ up and running. But it just seems like members receive ALL the attention lately,  and AJHQ has sort of gone against their motto that nonmembers and members have all contributed to the 10 million Jammers. If that's the case, then why can't nonmembers receive gifts? Why can't we change the color of the items we buy? Why can't we go on some of the adventures and explore some places that we'd long to see? Why can't we use all the pets and animals? Why is it that new member items come out almost every day, but new nonmember items seem to come out once in a blue moon!?

And plus, it's a smaller scale problem, but it's HUGELY IMPORTANT. Inventory space.

Okay, so I think I speak for all of us Jammers here: We're sacrificing time out of our busy lives to play a computer game that we love, so shouldn't we get the best experience out of it possible? I don't know about you guys, but more inventory space would make MY Animal Jam experience 1000x better! I mean, is it bothersome that we have to pick and choose our items? -.- I want to buy ALL the items! It's possible, but it's such a struggle to have a ton of storage accounts and blah blah blah. Can't we just have unlimited inventory for both den and clothing items? WHO'S WITH ME?! 


Okay, that's all. If you can, give me some feedback. Love you all, happy holidays, and I wish you spectacular jamming (it'd be better it we had unlimited inventory but still XD)!

So long!



  1. I agree with everything there :3
    Apart from maybe not UNLIMITED. Because then, imagine if you had 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000 items. How long would it take to get to some right at the back? O.O
    Non-members currently have 200 den item slots, 100 clothing item slots.
    Members have 300 den and 200 clothing.
    We could change them all to 700 each, mebbe?

    1. True true, but who would have that many items? Hmm, I guess you're right though, but I think 10,000 inventory slots each would be nice. And AJ could create more specific search topics instead of just "sorry by head, feet, etc" so that items would be easy to find. :)

  2. i want unlimited i have already reached my limit I NEED MORE SPACE DANGET

  3. I agree with anonymous as I have a paid membership for a YEAR which doesnt expire for 9 months and they said yesterday my inventory is full. THEIR WRONG because I don't even HAVE much stuff there. What they SHOULD do for people that have money is a BUY MORE INVENTORY SLOTS paid item. For non-members, they should make it should that you can pay with gems.

  4. I reached my limit and i RLLY need more space!
