December 23, 2013

Yesterday and Today's News (Sorry about the Lateness)

Hello Jammers! :3 I'm really sorry about the lateness of this news, and it's probably irrelevant now, but I might as well just post it anyways >.< Hope you forgive me!

Lately I've been having trouble keeping up with posts, so if anyone wants to be an author on here, I'd be delighted to give you the opportunity! Comment if you're interested! :)


Yesterday's Post
Yesterday wasn't much of an interesting day on AJ 
The Daily gift was the Bag of Gifts, ANOTHER returning item... bleh .-.
The daily item was a festive returning den item, the Pile of Gifts! 
I really do like them, they'd fit nicely in my den, though unfortunately they're member! D:

Lastly, there was a post on the Daily Explorer about the December Birthstone, Turquoise! One of my favorite colors, but not my birthstone! :P
This birthstone can be purchased in Epic Wonders! :)
Pretty, eh? XD

Today's Post
Today is more of an interesting day, with the Rare Item Monday and whatnot :P
Today's Rare Item Monday is the Rare Hood With Feather! :)
I like the item, but it's VERY expensive...and, of course, it's member... :\

Here's the Daily Explorer post about it! 
Mmm, I definitely like the way it looks on a deer! Cute! <3

Today's Daily Gift, though a returning item, is pretty exciting! Everyone loves bow and arrows, right? :D
I really like all types of Bow and Arrows, so I don't mind this gift! It comes in 7 different colors, too! (:

And lastly, here's a look at the December/January Activities Calendar! ^.^
Some interesting activities coming up, eh? :P

Happy jamming everyone, and happy holidays! :D


  1. I would like to be a auother

    1. Awesome! What's your blogger email?

    2. Okay, thanks! I invited you to be an author! :D

    3. Did you send me an email if you haves have not gotten it
